
LanguageExt.Core Effects Eff Eff with runtime Prelude


class Prelude Source #


method Eff<RT, B> apply <RT, A, B> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, C> apply <RT, A, B, C> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma, K<Eff<RT>, B> mb) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, Func<B, C>> apply <RT, A, B, C> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, D> apply <RT, A, B, C, D> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C, D>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma, K<Eff<RT>, B> mb, K<Eff<RT>, C> mc) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, Func<C, D>> apply <RT, A, B, C, D> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C, D>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma, K<Eff<RT>, B> mb) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, Func<B, Func<C, D>>> apply <RT, A, B, C, D> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C, D>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, E> apply <RT, A, B, C, D, E> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C, D, E>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma, K<Eff<RT>, B> mb, K<Eff<RT>, C> mc, K<Eff<RT>, D> md) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, Func<D, E>> apply <RT, A, B, C, D, E> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C, D, E>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma, K<Eff<RT>, B> mb, K<Eff<RT>, C> mc) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, Func<C, Func<D, E>>> apply <RT, A, B, C, D, E> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C, D, E>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma, K<Eff<RT>, B> mb) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

method Eff<RT, Func<B, Func<C, Func<D, E>>>> apply <RT, A, B, C, D, E> ( K<Eff<RT>, Func<A, B, C, D, E>> mf, K<Eff<RT>, A> ma) Source #

Applicative apply: takes the lifted function and the lifted argument, applies the function to the argument and returns the result, lifted.

class Prelude Source #


method Eff<RT, A> SuccessEff <RT, A> (A value) Source #

Construct an successful effect with a pure value


type A

Bound value type

param value

Pure value to construct the monad with


Synchronous IO monad that captures the pure value

method Eff<RT, A> FailEff <RT, A> (Error error) Source #

Construct a failed effect


type A

Bound value type

param error

Error that represents the failure


Synchronous IO monad that captures the failure

method Eff<RT, RT> runtime <RT> () Source #

Make the runtime into the bound value

method Eff<RT, (RT Runtime, EnvIO EnvIO)> getState <RT> () Source #

Get all of the internal state of the Eff

method Eff<RT, A> localCancel <RT, A> (Eff<RT, A> ma) Source #

Create a new cancellation context and run the provided Aff in that context


type RT

Runtime environment

type A

Bound value type

param ma

Operation to run in the next context


An asynchronous effect that captures the operation running in context

method Eff<OuterRT, A> localEff <OuterRT, InnerRT, A> (Func<OuterRT, InnerRT> f, Eff<InnerRT, A> ma) Source #

Create a new local context for the environment by mapping the outer environment and then Create a new local context for the environment by mapping the outer environment and then using the result as a new context when running the IO monad provided


param f

Function to map the outer environment into a new one to run ma

param ma

IO monad to run in the new context

method Eff<RT, A> flatten <RT, A> (Eff<RT, Eff<RT, A>> mma) Source #

Monadic join operator

Collapses a nested IO monad so there is no nesting.


type RT


type E

Error type

type A

Bound value

param mma

Nest IO monad to flatten


Flattened IO monad

method Eff<RT, A> liftEff <RT, A> (Func<RT, Either<Error, A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<RT, A> liftEff <RT, A> (Func<RT, Fin<A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<RT, A> liftEff <RT, A> (Func<RT, A> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<RT, A> liftEff <RT, A> (Func<RT, Task<A>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<RT, A> liftEff <RT, A> (Func<RT, Task<Fin<A>>> f) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<RT, A> liftEff <RT, A> (IO<A> ma) Source #

Lift an effect into the Eff monad

method Eff<RT, B> map <RT, A, B> (Eff<RT, A> ma, Func<A, B> f) Source #

Maps the IO monad if it's in a success state


param f

Function to map the success value with


Mapped IO monad

method Eff<RT, A> mapFail <RT, A> (Eff<RT, A> ma, Func<Error, Error> f) Source #

Maps the IO monad if it's in a success state


param f

Function to map the success value with


Mapped IO monad

method Eff<RT, B> bimap <RT, A, B> (Eff<RT, A> ma, Func<A, B> Succ, Func<Error, Error> Fail) Source #

Mapping of either the Success state or the Failure state depending on what state this IO monad is in.


param Succ

Mapping to use if the IO monad is in a success state

param Fail

Mapping to use if the IO monad is in a failure state


Mapped IO monad

method Eff<RT, B> match <RT, A, B> (Eff<RT, A> ma, Func<A, B> Succ, Func<Error, B> Fail) Source #

Pattern match the success or failure values and collapse them down to a success value


param Succ

Success value mapping

param Fail

Failure value mapping


IO in a success state

method Eff<RT, A> ifFail <RT, A> (Eff<RT, A> ma, Func<Error, A> Fail) Source #

Map the failure to a success value


param f

Function to map the fail value


IO in a success state

method Eff<RT, A> ifFailEff <RT, A> (Eff<RT, A> ma, Func<Error, Eff<RT, A>> Fail) Source #

Map the failure to a new IO effect


param f

Function to map the fail value


IO that encapsulates that IfFail

method Eff<RT, A> filter <RT, A> (Eff<RT, A> ma, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

Only allow values through the effect if the predicate returns true for the bound value


param predicate

Predicate to apply to the bound value>


Filtered IO

method Eff<RT, A> EffMaybe <RT, A> (Func<RT, Fin<A>> f) Source #

Construct an effect that will either succeed, have an exceptional, or unexceptional failure


type A

Bound value type

param f

Function to capture the effect


Synchronous IO monad that captures the effect

method Eff<RT, A> Eff <RT, A> (Func<RT, A> f) Source #

Construct an effect that will either succeed or have an exceptional failure


type A

Bound value type

param f

Function to capture the effect


Synchronous IO monad that captures the effect